Some recent changes to CoughDrop, the app we’ve been using, have us thinking deeply about whether we can stay with it – namely, the app was sold to a commercial AAC company, and so they’ve changed how bulk licenses work, they’ve raised prices by about 50%, and they’ve limited the amount of interest they have in working with projects like ours.

One of the options for us is to run our own version of the same software. It’s open source; we only have to find someone with the skills to set up the server and keep it running, and then find people to help with updates we need.

While we’re exploring a few other options, but this is looking like it has the best options for us going forward, to support Lakota and Dakota and Nakoda users, and to then support other Indigenous languages. We’re thinking we’ll call our version Tákepȟe Kte, “I will say something.”

So…if you know someone with Rails and Ember experience, who is interested in some vounteer work, we’d love to talk to them.

Categories: Uncategorized


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