While autism isn’t the only reason a person might need AAC, it’s a pretty common one – some estimates are that 20-40% of autistic people (of all ages) have severe speech challenges at some point in their life. For some, like my son, that means that their mouth doesn’t do what their brain wants it to, and every word that they can say is a struggle. For others, high stress environments make speech challenging. And there are other autism-related causes too.
That said, for Autism month, we’ll be having our first fundraiser!
We’ll be having a fundraising drive we’re calling “The Silent Supper.” We’ll be encouraging you to donate what you’d spend to go out to dinner, and in exchange we’ll give you a downloadable & printable core board for your meal, in both English & Lakota, and encourage you to try to have dinner using only those words on the core board. We’re hoping this experience will help you see why an electronic speech generating device is important.
So, watch for that announcement next month.